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Parity: more than a requirement, a natural progression Meeting with Emmanuelle Teillet, Chairwoman of the new in-house program B·EQUAL

Emmanuelle Teillet is Head of Management Control for Groupe Beneteau. In 2023, backed by the Executive Leadership Team and with the support of 25 female staff, she became the chairwoman of B·EQUAL: the new in-house program to accelerate parity.

Who are you Emmanuelle Teillet?

An optimistic supporter of parity! I have been operating as a woman and a mother in the workplace environment for over 30 years. I have ticked all the “parity” boxes during my career: the positives and the negatives. Inequalities can be seen throughout our society, and the company is playing a decisive role to change this. And it is moving quickly.


What is B·EQUAL and how did this initiative come about?

B·EQUAL is our new in-house program to accelerate gender diversity and parity. It was launched in line with our Chief Executive Officer’s commitment to developing women leaders within our company. We started off by creating a working group of 25 women. And we quickly wanted to go further. Because, with the pace at which improvements are progressing, it would take 169 years to reach gender equality in the workplace! This is unimaginable for a daring Group like ours. Parity, more than a requirement, must be a natural progression.

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What specific actions were rolled out within the Group in 2023?

Our roadmap sets out four objectives: immediately ensuring zero tolerance for sexism and harassment, ending pay gaps from 2024 for equivalent value work, ensuring at least 40% women within the Group and reaching 30% women in our executive structures by 2027. In France, 374 managers were trained in 2023 on the prevention of sexual and psychological harassment in the workplace. We also rolled out an in-house communications campaign in France, Portugal, Poland, Italy and the United States. Around 50 people were brought together every two months in six mixed working groups to look at issues such as parenting, diversity, equity, leadership, harassment and even sisterhood. Alongside this, the Group joined the 270 signatories of the #StOpE initiative, led by the French association of diversity managers (AFMD), to tackle everyday sexism. A very strong commitment. And we will continue building on this. Our staff are ready on an individual level. And collectively, we will continue to ramp up.

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What will be your priorities in 2024?

Measuring parity, in order to improve it more effectively: overseeing indicators on equal pay and gender diversity within the Group. We will be creating a parenting code, developing 100% women discussion groups, and setting up various training programs. However, our objective is not to make women function like men. We need to capitalize on our diversity in terms of femininity as well. Because opening up to diversity means opening up to our rich resources, while maintaining our focus on a parity that is without borders or boundaries: a woman is a woman, regardless of her nationality. B·EQUAL will need to continue bringing on board, without dividing. My goal is for it to become like a safeguard, with active monitoring!

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