Legal notice

Editorial management

Groupe Beneteau
16, boulevard de la Mer
C.S. 43319
85803 Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie (France)
Tél: +33 (0)2 51 26 88 50

Publication Director

Groupe Beneteau Corporate Communications Department

Website design and hosting

All contact details for website creation, hosting and development are available via the following links:

mediapilote: Graphic design and website creation

The information published on this site is the property of Groupe Beneteau.
This information may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the consent of Groupe Beneteau. Users are responsible for the research they carry out and for the interpretation and use they make of the results. It is their responsibility to use the information in accordance with current regulations and CNIL recommendations when the data concerned is of a personal nature.
In particular, they must be aware that this information may only be used for strictly personal purposes, and that taking screenshots to recreate or develop a database containing people’s contact details is illegal in France and therefore prohibited. It is also forbidden to use screenshots for commercial or advertising purposes.

Personal data

In accordance with law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, amending law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, this site has been declared to the CNIL. Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, data files and individual liberties, known as the Data Processing and Individual Liberties Law; CNIL Decision no. 81-94 of July 21, 1981 recommending general security measures for data processing systems; Law no. 88-19 of January 5, 1988 on data fraud, known as the Godfrain Law.


Any third party wishing to create hypertext links to pages or documents available on this site, which in fact constitute an infringement of copyright, an act of parasitism or defamation, must first obtain the prior must obtain prior authorization from Groupe Beneteau. Requests for authorization may be addressed directly to the site administrator. This authorization will be granted insofar as the links do not harm the interests of Groupe Beneteau, and insofar as they guarantee that the user will be able to identify the document as originating from Groupe Beneteau, particularly in the case of the use of deep links, framing or insertion by links. Similarly, Groupe Beneteau has requested written permission from all the servers indicated to create links to its site. Groupe Beneteau is not responsible for the content of these servers.

Applicable law

The present conditions are governed by French law. The French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear
any dispute relating directly or indirectly to access to or use of this Site.


All content (photos, texts, videos, sounds, etc.) available on this site remain the exclusive property of Groupe Beneteau and/or its partners.
Groupe Beneteau and/or its partners, and are protected by French legislation on copyright and intellectual
intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents, illustrations and photographs.
illustrations and photographs.

It is forbidden to extract and/or reproduce a substantial part of the information published on the site without
the prior consent of Groupe Beneteau.

Any attempt to do so constitutes an infringement punishable under articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Code de la
Intellectual Property Code.

The Intellectual Property Code stipulates that it is necessary to cite the source of the information or to request authorisation
the authorization of the author of the images. This only applies when respecting copyright. As a
creation of the mind, images (even screenshots) are protected by copyright (article
L.112-2-9 of the French Intellectual Property Code).


The unauthorized reproduction or representation of images, texts or documents is punishable under civil law
damages. These damages are determined on a case-by-case basis. It depends on the victim’s
the victim’s loss of earnings, the damage suffered as a result of the misrepresentation of the site’s presentation and the impact
on the site’s author. It also depends on the manner in which the image was put forward and what
the designer in financial terms.

Photo credits: Groupe Beneteau, Bertrand Duquenne, Gilles Martin-Raget, Jeanneau, Jerôme Kelagopian, Julien Gazeau, @dimworks, PICMA3D, EcoVadis, Vision Marine Technologies, Torqeedo, Groupe Beneteau Portugal, Beneteau, Jeanneau, Prestige, Lagoon, Excess, Delphia, Four Winns, Wellcraft, Scarab, Glastron, Band of Boats, SGB
Finance, Dream yacht Charter, Navigare Yachting, Beneteau Boat Club, Your Boat Club, IRM, Coco Sweet, O’Hara, P.Sordoillet, Stephane de Bourgies, Seanapps, Valérie Boudaud, Getty images